Wednesday, March 5, 2014

10 weeks! 25% Complete!

I am now 10 weeks pregnant! I am finally starting to notice a little bump that isn't just bloating after I eat. This week (which is now the 11th week), our baby is 1.5 inches long and is the size of a prune. It's arms and legs are still growing and can now bend and move! However, the movement isn't enough for me to feel yet. If our baby is a boy, it is developing testosterone this week! And a girl is developing her ovaries that already have estrogen hormones! Boy or girl , our baby is growing like crazy! Here are our 10 week pictures, followed by the survey!
I see a little bump!
Daddy wanted to show off his 10 week "bump" haha

How far along are you? 10 weeks 1 day

How big is Baby? Size of a plume or small strawberry! 1.5 inches.

Weight Gain? 4 lbs

 Gender? The wedding ring test says boy!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet, but I did buy a new bra and undies!

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? I am sleeping normal. I do make a middle of the night bathroom trip now.

Symptoms at 10 weeks?
  • Still have better smell
  • Hungry more often
  • Small bump/bloat

Movement? Nope
Food Cravings? Wendy's French fries/ sweets

Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button in or out? inny

What I am looking forward to? My bump to start showing for real and my doctor's appt. on March 24th

Best moment of the week? The best moment this week was walking through stores browsing at baby things and talking about baby names! (it's so hard to decide!!)


  1. Your blog is fantastic baby. You are going to be the best MOMMY ever! I am so excited for this new chapter of our lives together :) I love you so much!

  2. I Love this, and I love you and baby and Daddy! and yes i'm tearing up again! I think it's my grandmother hormones on week 10!
