Tuesday, February 18, 2014

8 weeks/ first doctor's appointment!!

I am eight weeks pregnant today. Woah! Two months down already.. Yesterday was our first doctor's appointment. We got an ultrasound and heard our little baby's heart beat! It's heart rate was 172 bpm. Wow, it's real now. We are going to be parents! Here is our little baby's first photo! If you look really close, baby Long looks like it is sitting up *posing!*
7 weeks 6 days
 The doctor's appointment went really well. We liked the facility and everyone who worked there was nice and helpful. I don't see a doctor until I go for my next appointment on March 24th.

 Today we took our 8 week chalkboard pictures. Our baby is the size of raspberry and is about 1 inch long. Other fun facts about the baby is that it is growing about a millimeter each day, has webbed fingers and toes, and is growing it's eyes, lips, nose, and other important body parts. 

Here is my 8 week survey!
How far along are you? 8 weeks 0 days

How big is Baby? Size of a raspberry or kidney bean!

Weight Gain? 4 lbs

 Gender? I had a dream about a brown-eyed baby boy!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet, but my clothes are getting clingy.

Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I am sleeping normal. I do make a middle of the night bathroom trip now.

Symptoms at 8 weeks?
  • SO TIRED! I love taking afternoon naps!
  • Nausea when I get hungry (so I have to eat quick when hunger pains come!)
  • sore breasts
  • Better sense of smell
Movement? Nope
Food Cravings? Sweets, baked potatoes

Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button in or out? inny

What I am looking forward to? My bump to start showing!

Best moment of the week? Our first dr. appt and ultrasound! It was amazing to hear our baby's little heart beat!

1 comment:

  1. We just looked at this baby blog! We love it and are following!
