Thursday, February 27, 2014

Announcing Baby Long!

We finally announced our pregnancy to our families and friends. It felt like we had to wait forever to share our news! We wanted to wait until we had the first ultrasound so we had to wait until I was almost 9 weeks. We went home over the weekend and shared the news first with our closest family. We told my mom and dad on Friday night. I tricked them by putting the u/s pictures in a picture album. We were flipping through the album looking at pictures of Jacob and I and when I turned the page they saw the ultrasound! It took them a second to figure out what the pictures were. They were as excited as we were!

We told my mamaw, papaw, and sissy on Saturday. It was a beautiful day so we spent the afternoon outside. ( I actually got to sit in the sun in a tank top!!) I put a baby bottle in their outside refriderator and when I got it out, I asked them what it was and who would need a bottle?!  It took them a while and some hints to figure out that our baby was who needed the bottle! 

We told Jacob's family Saturday evening. Our baby makes their 13th grandchild. They were very happy for us too! We learned that Jacob was his grandma's 13th grandchild and our baby will be his mom's 13th. How cool is that?!?

 Here are the videos of our announcement.

* Sorry Mom, the better video would not load! =(


As you can tell, everyone was overjoyed!!

A few days later we decided to announce on face book. These are the pictures we took. I was 9 weeks exactly when we took the photos!

Mommy and Daddy!

Is that a little bump I see?!

This one is my favorite.
  After we posted the pictures on face book we had hundreds of likes and thoughtful comments. We feel very blessed that so many awesome people are in our lives!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

8 weeks/ first doctor's appointment!!

I am eight weeks pregnant today. Woah! Two months down already.. Yesterday was our first doctor's appointment. We got an ultrasound and heard our little baby's heart beat! It's heart rate was 172 bpm. Wow, it's real now. We are going to be parents! Here is our little baby's first photo! If you look really close, baby Long looks like it is sitting up *posing!*
7 weeks 6 days
 The doctor's appointment went really well. We liked the facility and everyone who worked there was nice and helpful. I don't see a doctor until I go for my next appointment on March 24th.

 Today we took our 8 week chalkboard pictures. Our baby is the size of raspberry and is about 1 inch long. Other fun facts about the baby is that it is growing about a millimeter each day, has webbed fingers and toes, and is growing it's eyes, lips, nose, and other important body parts. 

Here is my 8 week survey!
How far along are you? 8 weeks 0 days

How big is Baby? Size of a raspberry or kidney bean!

Weight Gain? 4 lbs

 Gender? I had a dream about a brown-eyed baby boy!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet, but my clothes are getting clingy.

Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I am sleeping normal. I do make a middle of the night bathroom trip now.

Symptoms at 8 weeks?
  • SO TIRED! I love taking afternoon naps!
  • Nausea when I get hungry (so I have to eat quick when hunger pains come!)
  • sore breasts
  • Better sense of smell
Movement? Nope
Food Cravings? Sweets, baked potatoes

Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button in or out? inny

What I am looking forward to? My bump to start showing!

Best moment of the week? Our first dr. appt and ultrasound! It was amazing to hear our baby's little heart beat!

Valentine's Day

 Valentine's Day was extra special for us because we knew we would have our *little* Valentine with us next year! We decided to have a relaxing night in with pizza, a movie, and FONDUE! Chocolate fondue was exactly what I needed to fulfill my sweet cravings. It was delicious! Jacob got me beautiful flowers and we exchanged cards. The evening was perfect! Here are some pictures from our night.

Valentine's Day Selfie

I love my flowers!

We didn't mean to pose and look so preggo!
Hey, there's a little baby in there!

Kisses from Dad!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

We're having a baby!!

We found out I was pregnant on January 20, 2014. I just had a "feeling" that I needed to take an at home pregnancy test, and when I did it was positive! I wanted to do something cute to tell Jacob the news, so I put the test on our little WVU snowman. I yelled for him to come in the room and help me turn it on because it wasn't working. He walked right up to it and turned it on and didn't even notice that there was a pregnancy test sticking out of the little scarf on the snowman. Finally, he noticed it and we were overjoyed with excitement and happy emotions! 

Later that day we went to Kroger and bought 2 more tests just to be sure.. and they were both positive too. So, HELLLLO pregnancy! We are overjoyed! I made my first doctor's appointment for Feb. 17. According to the first day of my last period (which was Christmas Eve) I was 4 weeks pregnant when we found out. So I had to wait FOUR MORE weeks until an offical doctor's appt. and ultrasound. the wait has been so hard! I have no doubts that I am pregnant with our first little baby but I would still like to see it in my belly with a heartbeat. The suspense is killing me! It's been three weeks since we found out and now it is only ONE MORE WEEK until our appointment! Finally!

The first things I did after knew I was pregnant was start browsing Pinterest, reading baby blogs, and trying to soak it all in. There is so much to learn about being a mommy!

Here is my first picture being pregnant. I was five weeks here. I'm not showing ofcourse, but I was still really cool to take the "mom" picture holding my tummy. After all, there is a little tiny baby inside of me!
We decided to track my pregnancy with a chalkboard. I love love love all of the chalkboard announcements and weekly pictures that I've seen of other mommy's to be, so I thought it would be perfect for us to do too!
Here are the first pictures!  Six weeks pregnant.

Today I am 6 weeks 5 days pregnant. Here is a picture of me last night (2/8/14) before going shopping and out to eat!

So, now that I am all caught up, I am going to fill in a little pregnancy questionnare.

How far along are you? 6 weeks 5 days

How big is Baby? Size of a blueberry! .25 inches long!

Weight Gain? I think 2 pounds. Will track more when I go to the Dr.

 Gender? I think it's a girl!! but we still have a long time until we know for sure! Dad thinks it's a BOY!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet! I did buy a bellyband for my tight pants!
 Be Maternity BeBand Natural S/M

Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I am sleeping normal.

  •  Missed period
  • Nausea when I get hungry (so I have to eat quick when hunger pains come!)
  • sore breasts
  • Jacob says I'm moody--I don't believe him! lol
  • Better sense of smell
Movement? Nope
Food Cravings? Sweets

Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button in or out? inny

What I miss? I miss being able to drink alcohol. It's bad, I know this.

What I am looking forward to? My first doctor appt.

Best moment of the week? Browsing the baby section with Jacob at Target and buying my first maternity thing, the belly band. (It's starting to feel REAL!)